Digital identy, strategy and content creation for traditional fast food chain
Digital identity
UI/UX design
frontend dev

Burek is a fast growing fast food brand which aims to combine traditional cooking techniques with a modern approach. Their promise not only covers being an healthy and out of the box option for other fast-food chains, but also a remarkable experience. So the main aim of this project was to create their digital identity in a modern way, while sticking to the traditional vibe at the same time.

My role in this project was to design identity of the brans and UI/UX design of their website. At this stage, the brand was new without any sample store, specified brand character or even a menu design. So everything was about to be building on that digital identity. So much pressure and challenge, but also an opportunity to explore new horizons

In our meetings with the sales and marketing team, first of all we specified the character of the brand. Created personas for both the brand itself and target audience. Also, we collaborated with architects to get some more insight information about store designs that will be built in the future. That helped me to have much better understanding of the vibe and feel that we are trying to migrate to our audience.

After so many brain storms, sketches and planning, our visual language was ready. So we decided to go on with the photo shoot to have enough material to visualise the experience we are promising for. But after some interviews for our first mockup, we have recognized that it is almost impossible to explain the real experience and traditional way of cooking these products with only pictures. So we also made a video shoot to explain the process and also create some curiosity on our visitors. The result for the second round of user tests was success.

Also, the brand was aiming to grow on franchise model. So at our website, we have created an explanatory landing page for getting franchising applications and informing our candidates.

Today, Burek has seven branches already and keep growing with their franchise model and getting applications from Dubai to Qatar. All franchising applicants make their investment decision without experiencing it. So how is that possible? I guess you already know the answer 😊

Let’s make something bright together !
I’m always happy to talk about working together, new opportunities or just catching up. If you’d like to get in touch, just shoot me an email